Book review: Give It Back by Danielle Esplin

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Goodreads Synopsis :

"This novel follows three characters: Lorraine, Lexy, and Ella.


Not long ago, Lorraine lost her husband to another woman. She thought that was the worst thing that could happen to her, but soon she realizes it’s just the beginning of an everlasting nightmare. 


Lexy, an au pair from London, moves to Seattle to help Lorraine with her infant son. But she didn’t come for the child…she came for something else. 


When Ella receives a call from her sister, Lorraine, who begs her to leave San Diego to spend time with her, she decides to take a few days off from work to visit her. Frightened to see how much Lorraine has weakened since her diagnosis eight months ago, she packs a bag and heads to Seattle with a foreboding feeling that this might be the last time she sees Lorraine. 

But on her way to the airport, she learns that something shocking has happened since she last spoke with Lorraine and now. To make matters worse, once Ella arrives in Seattle, Lorraine’s story keeps changing, making Ella question how reliable her sister really is. 

Soon Ella is entangled in a mysterious investigation, and more so, in the lives of everyone involved. She realizes not only that she won’t go home anytime soon but also that she’ll never look at others the same way she did before.

Pitch Perfect Pick Winner April 2016.
May 2016 Go Indie Now! Literary Award Winner. "

Published: 7th of April, 2016

No. of pages: 302

First of all, I would like to let everyone know, I won this book on a goodreads giveaway, and this is my honest review for the book!

I don't like to compare novels. But while I was reading this book, I just couldn't stop think about The Girl on the Train. (which I read before this book) . So yes, there will spoilers including this book and The Girl on the Train. (TGotT)

I will just start of with the characters, and I will come back to the story.

-We have one character who has problem remembering to certain things
-We have a babysitter who cheats on his boyfriend (with more men), she disappears and on the top of that it turns out, she is pregnant!
- It turns out , that the same character already had a child in the past, but something happened with the baby.
- There's a divorced woman obsessed with her ex-husband

And yes, both of the books has these characters. All their story a slightly different, for example Rachel can't remember things because she's alcoholic, but Lorraine can't remember things because she has a brain cancer.

Otherwise I was quite okay with the characters, but I didn't have any favourite one. They were, okay.

So the first half of the book these things are really bothered me, and made me annoyed, but after I would say from the second half of the book I started to enjoy it.

As you can see, the story has written in 3 POV's , all includes the date and the time of day ....
The story starts of really quick, many things are happening at the same time, the middle part slows down a bit, but not in a bad way, and the book has a great ending! I really liked the end of the book. I was happy that twist was different, you could suspect who is behind all the things, but it was quite surprising for me. And I loved how the very end left you in a bit of a uncomfortable situation, as it's not a full ending, and makes you think hat "what could happen after this!?"

The writing style wasn't really my cup of tea, I'm sure others would enjoy it more.

I would recommend this book for those people who liked TGotT , the book received many great reviews

my rating:  2.75/5 

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